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Chapter 17 Registration is closed.
Stay tuned for next chapter

For Men.

Fight Club is for any man who is tired of status quo. We do ask that it is reserved for 18+ due to sensitive topic discussions..

By Men.

All Fight Club Leaders have gone through a chapter of Fight Club. So you can trust that we are not willing to lead, where we have not been before.

To Reach Men.

If we can reach the man and have positive change, than we believe that man can change his family. If he can reach his family, they can change their community, and if the community’s being turned positively, then we can touch the world.

We are a group of men with a passion for more. Fight Club is designed for men who want more out of life, family, themselves, and relationships.


Through weekly connection.


You shouldn’t go through life alone, we believe men can help each other get to a better place.


Fight Club is not easy, but neither is life. It is a safe environment to be tested, and strengthened.


Through Jesus Christ’s example, we can all experience an undeniable level of Grace through trial.

Don’t just take our word for it. Watch these videos, and check it out for yourself.

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Fight Club Chapter 12

September 18, 2020

Fort Wayne Fight Club 11

February 28, 2020

Fort Wayne Fight Club 11

January 31, 2020

Fort Wayne Fight Club Chapter 8 Promo

August 30, 2018

Manly Moments – What is FIGHT CLUB?

February 23, 2018

Fort Wayne Fight Club Chapter 7 Promo

February 21, 2018

Fight Club Chapters Worldwide
As of 2018 Fort Wayne Fight Club has given out hundreds of stars (2nd chapter completion and above) to Fort Wayne area men!
Life Change is Enough To Make it Worth it

Take the first step – Contact us and see what Fight Club is all about.

| Fort Wayne Fight Club |

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